Em Competição na Secção OPUS BONUM.

Selecção Oficial do Festival Ji.hlava, na República Checa.

Primeira Exibição internacional.  25 de Outubro de 2023.

Um filme de Marta Pessoa (Doc. 2023. 101′)

Sinopse (do programa): “A historical documentary conceived as a discussion of history and method of production – this is one way to interpret the film about the Portuguese Colonial Exhibition, held in Porto in 1934. From archival print and video material, a pair of researchers piece together a picture of an event officially presented as a showcase of the southern European country’s foreign achievements. However, with the hindsight of more than 70 years, the clearly racist dimension of the event stands out. The objectification of the gaze of the passing visitors on the titular Rosinha and other forcibly imported members of African ethnic groups finds a parallel in the operation of zoos, museums and similar institutions.”


Publicado em: 24-10-2023

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